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Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

August 12, 2023 - Volume One, Page 11: “As the eleven dimensions described by the String- or M-Theory mathematics, are...
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Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

August 12, 2023 - Volume One, Page 11: “Like the Zero dimension, the dimension of Identity’s affect upon all other...
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Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

August 12, 2023 - Volume One, Page 10: “The dimension of Identity is… an enfolded dimension that acts upon the...
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April 16, 2022 – Volume One, Page 5: ” Francesca: What do you see for the future?

What I see must happen is that the new sciences will be of ecology. Chemists would learn far more about the nature of chemistry in seeking to undo the damage to Earth than inventing the substances that have done the damage.” This is especially so when you are dealing with organic chemistry, with its enzymes, catalysts, and the mitigating factor of consciousness, which is only beginning to be understood, much less utilized intentionally. It is not much known, nor will it be discussed openly for some time, but not only does your consciousness affect the Field, it affects chemical reactions. As yet, this effect is like a new plant: the tiny sprout cannot reach to the sky like the oak it will become. But there will be a time when benevolent, focused human consciousness will be used to augment cleaning, clearing, and healing places and peoples that have been damaged, ravaged, ruined or even destroyed by human ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and greed.

Published inVolume One
Francesca Thoman, © 2022