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Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

July 28, 2023 – Volume One, Page 10: “The dimension of Identity is… an enfolded dimension that acts upon the other dimensions in order to create the M-D geometries and topographies upon which reality itself is built.”

From Nikola Tesla: The dimension of Identity is the manifestation of the essential principle of Boundary. IT seems so obvious as to not deserve any mention: the heart keeps its shape, as does the liver, pancreas, and certainly the bones, because the dimension of Identity affects the enfolded dimension of Primordial Chaos creatively, creating a balance between rigidity and fluidity in order to allow Life sufficient scope to express itself. Cancer, as you know, is “life” without boundary: irregular boundaries are one of the specific attributes of skin cancer, for instance. Chemotherapy usually works because your whole body’s sense of identity is less chaotic and vulnerable than cancer.

Published inVolume One
Francesca Thoman, © 2022