Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down
Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down
March 1, 2025 – Volume One, Commentaries, Page 43: “Balanced with Dissolution, Assimilation is usually a steady state [process], but the rate of both is directly enhanced by consciousness
Much as ‘Nature abhors a vacuum,’ Nature loves balance, and this balance requires not only an identity but also a consciousness that holds the Four Processes within it while remaining outside of their manifestation: in short, Earth is necessary an expression of Divinity. Much as there are four elements: Earth, Air , Water, and Fire, and there is a fifth element, Ether or Spirit, so there is a fifth Essential Process: Perception. This fifth process can function as the matrix for manifesting the Four Processes, but it also guides and drives choice. You are used to seeing human beings choose, and, if you are observant, see how animals make choices as well. Yet it might seem absurd to you that a tree or a plant might choose where it lives, or how well it lives, or when it stops living, but from my present vantage point that is exactly how things are. This is why it would be good to talk to your body before you try to change it, or to follow the wisdom of the indigenous people hat asked trees, animals, plants, and other aspects of their environment whether or not they agreed to be used, changed, or removed. When contemplated fully, understanding this universal factor of Choice within Consciousness may lead to a very different understanding of why things happen the way they do, from personal experiences to aspects of Reality that may not be understood any other way.
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