Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down:
Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down:
Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down:
March 1, 2025 – Volume One, Commentaries, Page 43: “Paradoxically, Dispersion also acts to create homogeneity; Dispersion is also an aspect of entropy, especially when you consider that these processes involve energy as well as matter.”
In order to understand Dispersion a little more easily, think of water: through capillary action, it can move in all directions: subliming into the air, allowing itself to be drawn up into pants’ roots, collecting in oceans, flowing in rivers. When water becomes ice it becomes potential energy and action: you can think of icebergs calving from glaciers, ice breaking up in rivers and oceans; snow bringing down tree branches; shattering granite in the mountains. When the Essential Process of Dispersion is contained or constrained, it can build up tremendous force. In order to keep that potential force from overwhelming its environment, the three other essential processes of Dissolution, Assimilation, and Accretion are needed to balance its power. This can be seen politically: an oppressed populace must be controlled through decisive, consistent, universal, and disempowering control which demands that those who control the country to use Accretion to consolidate their power, Assimilation to coerce people’s sense of identity as part of the government, and, at times, the bureaucracy supporting the government, and Dissolution to stop the Accretion of the people’s resistance. The interweaving of all these forces is a fascination study, whether it is applied to physics, politics, natural history, or psychic actions.
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