Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down
Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down
January 23, 2025 – Volume Two, Page 27: Life itself has its own field; it acts on matter quite prodigiously an in all dimensions.
”If there is ever a time when you felt helpless or stuck, at the mercy of circumstances or your own choices, examine this idea, and listen to the silent lessons within life’s field to help change your experience. You may begin by sensing whatever life is around you, imagining first and then perceiving its complex relationship to the complex geometries that allow it to exist. Contemplating this you are likely to find where your inner dimensional energy has been tangled: in past emotional patterns, areas of physical or mental dissonance, decisions and habits that have been given too much emotional weight, and so on. Just the act of remembering that you are far greater than the circumstances of your present human experience remind you of your internal leverage, which is the point upon which your dearest human power, the power of choice, depends.”