Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down
Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down
January 23, 2025 – Volume One, Commentaries, Page 40: Accretion and Dispersion both are directly related to the to those M-D ‘quivering’ factors that create Brownian motion, and the quantum, Planck-time interactions of the enfolding and refolding of M-D to 4-D interactions.
“As I have noted elsewhere, pulse is an essential aspect of Reality, especially within Time. Pulse provides the constant state of dynamic balance that allows growth, change, and the infinite number of alternate realities. Accretion is not only contractive, it is also additive in the sense of ‘more of the same:’ more light, love, power, and joy, or more confusion, hatred, victimhood, and misery. Those logarithms used in sellers’ computer programs that track your buying preferences also use accretion. In much the same was as a drop of water forms upon a bit of dust and ice, these commercial logarithms build upon those parts of you human self that do not feel strong, worthy, capable, or centered. In this metaphor, the coating of ice on those aspects of your human personality is comprised of both their greed and your self-doubt. The shift into Dispersion is like the exhalation of breath, the hidden part of light’s sine wave that creates Dark Light, and the dissemination of the manufactured ‘need’ for specific goods or services. To realign this ‘breathing’ process of human choice, center into the truest part you know of your human self that can help you enter into a space of dispassion.“