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Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

Volume Two

Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

August 23, 2024 - Volume Two, Page 25: When a vacuum is created, both light and consciousness have closer geometrical...
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Volume Two

Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

August 23, 2024 - Volume Two, Page 25: ”As the minute stresses in the frequencies of the laser re-produce images,...
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Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

August 23, 2024 - Volume Two, Page 25: “There are few things more full of information and capable of relating...
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August 23, 2024 – Volume Two, Page 25: “There are few things more full of information and capable of relating than coherent human consciousness.”

This is not only because of the human brain, which of course is mainly a translation device for the greater human consciousness which exists outside of the body. When the body is damaged, even the brain, this has little effect upon your consciousness in the greater Self, but of course if your car does not function you cannot go anywhere. Often, spiritual work such as prayer, forgiveness, and giving healing works because the larger human consciousness is able, and willing, to accept the grace. The present difficulty is that the deeper nature of your consciousness cannot be understood when it approached with diffidence at least and skepticism at worst. It is facile to say that ‘you are a spiritual being having a human experience,’ but that is a better approach. Light, not only the photons but also its vibrations, is indeed the source of Reality, your own selves included. Training, belief, experience, and practice are needed of course, but once the internal barriers to belief are breached, inner aspects of your consciousness will develop, and in many ways will outperform AI. In addition, the development of human consciousness will not shackle you to devices. I did not understand this in my life on Earth, but zI understand it now: when tools are given more value than humanity, your humanity is lost.

This is not only because of
the human brain, which of course is mainly a translation device for the greater
human consciousness which exists outside of the body. When the body is damaged,
even the brain, this has little effect upon your consciousness in the greater Self,
but of course if your car does not function you cannot go anywhere. Often,
spiritual work such as prayer, forgiveness, and giving healing works because
the larger human consciousness is able, and willing, to accept the grace. The
present difficulty is that the deeper nature of your consciousness cannot be
understood when it approached with diffidence at least and skepticism at worst.
It is facile to say that ‘you are a spiritual being having a human experience,’
but that is a better approach. Light, not only the photons but also its
vibrations, is indeed the source of Reality, your own selves included. Training,
belief, experience, and practice are needed of course, but once the internal
barriers to belief are breached, inner aspects of your consciousness will
develop, and in many ways will outperform AI. In addition, the development of
human consciousness will not shackle you to devices. I did not understand this
in my life on Earth, but zI understand it now: when tools are given more value
than humanity, your humanity is lost.

“There are few things more
full of information and capable of relating than coherent human consciousness.”

“There are few things more
full of information and capable of relating than coherent human consciousness.”

Published inVolume One
Francesca Thoman, © 2022