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Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

February 15, 2022 - Volume One, Page 4: “God is bigger than your mistakes. And God doesn’t need your guilt.”...
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Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

February 15, 2022 - olume One, Page 4: “But I went into the realms of Creativity Itself very quickly.” The...
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July 25, 2024 – Volume Two, Page 22: “Spirituality will become as practical as electricity, though necessarily it will retain its exquisite human component.”

It is an odd thing: when printing was invented, and children were trained to read, their memories started to fade. Bards used to memorize tremendously long sagas; memory-keepers could hold several lifetime’s worth of history, and so on. Once again, the word ‘convenience’ must be vetted, and the motives of the ones offering this new method of ease      must be examined. Ease itself may weaken you! I do not suggest that we go back to living unhoused, at the mercy of everything, if only because such primitive conditions tend to exacerbate the brutish tendencies of those that wish to dominate others, in true lowland chimp fashion, because of fear of scarcity! That is, again, where the circular, egalitarian methods and attitudes of the true feminine spirit can be used to create more shared abundance and less poverty, more mutual support and less inequality. And it will be in this broader, more balanced  human experience that your psychic abilities will grow naturally, so that you do not need a technological device to keep contact with your loved ones: your natural attunement will suffice.

Published inVolume Two
Francesca Thoman, © 2022