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Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

February 15, 2022 - Volume One, Page 4: “God is bigger than your mistakes. And God doesn’t need your guilt.”...
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Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

February 15, 2022 - olume One, Page 4: “But I went into the realms of Creativity Itself very quickly.” The...
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July 25, 2024 – Volume Two, Page 22: “When the science of Chaos Theory, the perception of multi-dimensional fields and the occurrence of solitions are more understood, then psychic ability will begin to be fathomed as a function of informational ordering fields.”

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down:

There are so many reasons to have you look into the true nature of your psychic abilities! Your global attention has been being nudged, if not shoved, into looking at technology as your highest achievement, and the thing that is most human about from you in contrast to animals. But most animals are far more psychic than many of you! In earlier times, when women were understood to be the true shamans, seers, priestesses, and healers, many things were accomplished then that might be accomplished through technology now. But because of misogyny’s solition that has been tragically lost. That women are beginning to remember their original grace and strength, and are encouraging men to understand that the true feminine method of  interaction is not dominance but rather egalitarian inclusion, is all to the good. Many of the negative views of women as manipulative, demanding, and inexplicable ciphers is more because of their second-class position in society, against which they struggle every day with a growing sense of helpless rage.

Published inVolume Two
Francesca Thoman, © 2022