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Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down:

Volume Two

Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

August 23, 2024 - Volume Two, Page 24: “Were coherent light to be decoded properly, a laser would not only...
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Volume Two

Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

July 25, 2024 - Volume Two, Page 23: “To place magic, the psychic, healing and the conscious intent of the...
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Volume Two

Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

July 25, 2024 - Volume Two, Page 22: “Spirituality will become as practical as electricity, though necessarily it will retain...
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April 23, 2024 – Volume One, Page 21: “As the wave action of water creates peaks and troughs in the liquid, the psychic function ‘creates,’ or more precisely ‘realizes’ dimensions. I mean this term ‘realizes’ in several ways.”

In this perspective, the psychic function is indeed an aspect of consciousness and also allows the different ‘liquids’ used as an example in the paragraph above to be perceived simultaneously, but not engaged or expressed simultaneously. I do understand that this is somewhat obscure, so I will use another image: the psychic function is a bridge between the realms of Time and Timelessness; it straddles dimensions in order to ‘translate’ the timeless knowing into time-based 4-D manifestation. In this sense at least, the psychic function is multidimensional, and thus, like DNA, is latent in every cell of the body. The pineal gland is particularly adept at bridging the enfolded and unfolded aspects of reality, what is manifest and the field that creates the process of manifestation. Rather like soap, it has one part of its form attached to reality, the water, and the other attached to the unmanifest, enfolded aspects of that reality, like the soap molecule’s adhesion to oil. Within this description, the psychic function can ideally create a colloid of the enfoldled and unfolded states of being.

Published inVolume One
Francesca Thoman, © 2022