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Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down:

Volume Two

Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

July 25, 2024 - Volume Two, Page 22: “When the science of Chaos Theory, the perception of multi-dimensional fields and...
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Volume Two

Afterlife Comments from Volume Two – Scroll Down:

July 25, 2024 - Volume Two, Page 22: “Now, as to magic , you, Francesca, recently read an article in...
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Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down:

April 23, 2024 - Volume One, Page 21: “As the wave action of water creates peaks and troughs in the...
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April 23, 2024 – Volume One, Page 20: “The psychic function, however, is as real as light, say, or gravity and it can be perceived as such, mathematically and practically.

Indeed, adding this function may help mathematicians work the String Theory into the 12 dimensions that are truly nee4ded to make all of the equations come out elegantly, without the frustrating  leftover bits that don’t seem to fit anywhere. There is even some hope in crating the equations with Base 12 mathematics! But the psychic function is an integral part of consciousness: the animals have it, but in your rush to differentiate yourselves from the animals, or indeed all other primitive cultures, you have majorly shut the psychic function off and by this removed a whole dimension of knowledge from your experience. Separating the supernatural, spiritual, psychic, and invisible from the practical, physical, and more limited dimensions of Reality has crippled both science and religion, leaving the inner human self lost and wandering. In addition, trying to create an understanding of Reality with these crippled parts has not only lead to deep alienation and confusion within the human self through the dissonance created by the duality, it has led to entirely skipping the third essence of knowledge, for which you have no terms as yet: the potentials within the whole human self, which many of the highest spiritual masters have touched, but nonetheless never been able to fully realize.

Published inVolume One
Francesca Thoman, © 2022