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Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

July 28, 2023 – Volume One, Page 10: “The fields that form the human body, and other living things, are particularly capable of intent; you may call them auric fields. Electromagnetic, magnetic, auric and gravity fields [and more] are fields of consciousness.”

From Nikola Tesla: Yes: in a very real sense, all matter, forces, fields and matrixes are conscious in that they are created from the Divine Consciousness, the Creative Intention of the Whole. However, auric, magnetic, electromagnetic and gravity fields are more approachable by human beings. From the magnetic entities such as Kryon to the living Presence of Gaia, from the collective consciousness that auric fields create using the body’s own electromagnetism, these four fields are accessed most easily for communication. Intelligent Light, mentioned in later books, can also be accessed and communicated with, but this takes a human being so deeply familiar with his or her own light that such communication is rare, although it will become more common in the near future. Certainly, those people that are skilled in prayer engage the Intelligence of light in both angelic forms and in intentional fields of healing, Grace, and beneficence all the time. However, as Humanity’s collective soul removes the true evil of manipulative lies, prevarication, projective blame, and intentional lack of integrity, Intelligent Light will become more responsive and thus more perceptible, starting with both the very small (molecules and microbes) and the very large (astronomical information).

Published inVolume One
Francesca Thoman, © 2022