March 28, 2023 – Volume One, Page 9: “The wave function is so fundamental that physicality, itself an apparently quantum function, also exhibits wave-like characteristics; you can see this particularly in the way that water moves.”
From Nikola Tesla: Other wave-forms: radio waves, shock waves, and so on, are clear and obvious concentric wave-patterns. However, if you take the time to pay attention, you can see the concentric waves of love or distress, peace or agitation, in your human experience. Violence reaches out like a tsunami, generally from a central point, although, when violence is planned, there are mixtures of ripples: like throwing a handful of pebbles into a lake. But true peace acts like oil on the water: it regulates the amplitude of the violence, so that the effect is less. We have been taught to react to danger and violence with fear and anxiety: we are so used to this! What if we reacted instead with the deep peace of the opposite of paranoia, pronoia: which is knowing that the universe is kindly disposed to all that lives and has us in the shelter of loving care, that serendipity is meant for our benefit and betterment, and that the intelligence within the universe is actively promoting out joy. The exception is when we take courage enough to experience the opposite of blessing, so that we and the Divine Being can give each other the gift of understanding where our divinity is even in the realm of the impossible.