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Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

December 27, 2022 – Volume One, Page 7: “From my point of view, though still metaphorically speaking, electrons are more like images of point s moving on a supple string or wire; They are like points, picked out one at a time, by two beams of light crossing one place [FT: He was anticipating String Theory here, a good ten years before I heard the term.]”

From Nikola Tesla: And when I first heard about string theory, I felt his excitement, for this is what he had meant: the enfolded and unfolded dimensions of reality, expressing itself and pulling back within and through the 12 dimensions. Although I am aware that String Theory itself sees that multidimensional universe as built upon 11 dimensions, every time I bring it up Nikola Tesla’s spirit gently corrects me: there are 12 dimensions that create manifested physicality, because one of them is the Zero dimension: the dimension of the Divine substrate. Being as so much else in the universe is based upon three, six, and nine, a universe based in 12, or even in 12 base mathematics, makes sense to me. Granted, I have no idea of the complex mathematics involved. However, any science that can describe the multitudinous particle zoo might try for simplification. More on that later.

Published inVolume One
Francesca Thoman, © 2022