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Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

September 21, 2023 - Volume One, Page 19: “Yes, you could build a car from studying the smashed bodies of...
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Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

August 31, 2023 - Volume One, Page 19: “Chaos and String Theory together, along with conscious as a mathematical, factorable...
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Volume One

Afterlife Comments from Volume One – Scroll Down

August 31, 2023 - Volume One, Page 19: “And this is my excitement: when the science of chaos stops describing...
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August 28, 2022 – Volume One, Page 6: “The human body, indeed bodies of all things, animate or inanimate, are a psychic phenomenon, and a pan-dimensional process.”

This is being seen how by several physicists, and these new views are an integral part of the New Age. From one point of view, knowing that there is only one consciousness which creates the infinite infinities is daunting, and yet much of Western culture still looks down on any notions of animism. After all, how can the pen you hold, or the keyboard or smart phone you type into, be conscious? Granted, some are trying very hard to engage Artificial Intelligence, often with much eagerness but little wisdom. In many ways you have already made yourself much too dependent upon computers, from using the calculator to solve simple arithmetic, grammar, or orientation. To jump to becoming dependent upon such “intelligence” that is mostly a close reflection of the limited minds who believe that they, as the creators, would be able to control it, is arrogant, lazy, and foolish. It is foolish because, if only you were to respect your own minds’ deeper aspects, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and a more intimate perception of both Time/Space and your own intuitions, you would need none of these helps. After all: where does the “savant” come from in an “idiot savant” mind? If such things as knowing how to play the piano without lessons, learning Mandarin overnight, and incredible mathematical calculations have all manifested from both the “idiot savant” phenomenon, and even minor stokes, surely, you must know that there is more within you than you might think. 

Published inVolume One
Francesca Thoman, © 2022